boutique oenotourisme, vin 4 heure tour
  • di vine winemakers
  • Divine flavours: ride in 2CV and winemaker snack
  • Divine winemakers
  • Vin 4 heures Wine Tour
  • Vin4 heures Wine Tour
  • Divine flavourss
  • Divine tour : ride in 2CV, wine tourism
  • Vin4 heures wine Tour: divine tour
  • Vin4 heures wine tour
  • 2CV Divine tour
  • DiVine Winemakers

    Ride a 2CV to a wine cellar where you’ll get up close and personal with one of the region's winemakers
  • DiVine Flavours

    ...A sensory delight
  • DiVine Winemakers

    … A special opportunity to meet winemakers and learn about their craft.
  • Vin4 heures Wine Tour

    an exciting and authentic tour of vineyards and wineries in the South of France… .
  • Vin4 heures Wine Tour

    Exciting and memorable wine tours.
  • DiVine Flavours

    Take a ride aboard the legendary 2CV to discover the most mouth-watering local products
  • DiVine Tour

    Ride a 2 CV through the vines and explore the Languedoc-Roussillon region on the Mediterranean coast.
  • DiVine Tour

    ... From grape stems to stemmed glasses.
  • Vin4 heures Wine Tour

    An exciting and authentic tour of vineyards and wineries in the South of France…
  • DiVine Tour

    Ride a 2 CV through the vines and explore the Languedoc-Roussillon region on the Mediterranean coast.

Vin 4 heures tour

Gepost in Vin4 hour tour || experience

Wijn-tourisme met gevoel en verrassende wijn- ervaringen…

omdat wijn gehuld is in droom en mysterie en we die geheimen willen leren kennen, en ook omdat we onze glazen willen vullen met gezelligheid, authenticiteit, gevoel en plezier….

Vin4 heures tour nodigt u uit om gezamenlijke ervaringen te delen, ontdekkingen te doen, passie en emotie te voelen. Wij nemen u mee in de magie van de wijnen van de Languedoc-Roussillon in het Middellandse-Zee gebied, en laten u kennis maken met de mannen en vrouwen, die daar met grote passie aan werken.

Vin4 heures tour heeft speelse activiteiten ontwikkeld binnen het wijn- en wijnbouwtourisme, met als doel de streek Languedoc-Roussillon (Méditerranée) te promoten.

Wij organiseren en begeleiden wandelingen, regelen ontmoetingen met wijnboeren en organiseren workshops/wijnproeverijen, voor particulieren en bedrijven, individueel of in groepen (clubs, verenigingen, bedrijfsleven…).


De uitstapjes vertrekken (behalve op speciaal verzoek) in het hart van het mediterrane dorp, resp. de wijngaard, La Palme :
L’ Atelier
11 avenue de la Mer
11 480 La Palme
U kunt contact met ons opnemen voor een afspraak in een andere plaats in de Languedoc-Roussillon.
Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen via telefoonnummer +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 of via ons contactformulier.


De tochtjes en de wijn-workshops zijn het hele jaar mogelijk op afspraak. Dit kan overdag zijn of ‘s avonds, door de week, op feestdagen en in het weekend, afhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid. De thema’s van de ludieke wijn-workshops zijn gebonden aan de cyclus van de wijngaard en de wijn, de ontmoetingen met de aangesloten wijnboeren zijn van hen afhankelijk.
Het tijdstip wordt vastgelegd bij de reservering.
Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen via telefoonnummer +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 of via ons contactformulier.


De uitstapjes en de workshops zijn toegankelijk voor kinderen, jongeren, volwassenen, senioren, voor personen met een beperkte mobiliteit of een verstandelijke beperking, voor Fransen en buitenlanders.
Wij spreken Frans en Engels.
Voor uitleg in een andere taal kunt u contact opnemen per telefoon via nummer +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 of via ons contactformulier.

Hoe gaat ‘t in z’n werk?

De tochtjes worden gehouden met een 2CV met open dak en zijn mogelijk voor iedereen met een rijbewijs dat al minimaal drie jaar geldig is en na het storten van 750 € borg (dit bedrag wordt aan het eind van de tocht gerestitueerd).
Voor vertrek wordt desgewenst een korte uitleg gegeven over technische zaken en veiligheid.
Om dit voor iedereen mogelijk te maken, kunnen wij op verzoek trips organiseren in een minibus voor 9 personen.
Neem contact op per telefoon op nummer +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 of via ons contactformulier.

En verder…

Bij het vertrekpunt van de package tours is stalling voor fietsen en motoren aanwezig, evenals een parkeerplaats voor auto’s en touristenbussen.


Isabelle Castro

Gepost in Vin4 hour tour || experience

Isabelle: founder and guide

Isabelle: founder and guide of wine 4 hour toursAfter an initial career in human resources that took me all over France, I decided to return to my first loves: tourism on the Mediterranean coast, and the wines of the Languedoc-Roussillon region.

My goal is to introduce visitors to the magic of wine and winemaking in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. I launched Vin4 heures wine tours as a way to create memorable and accessible wine tourism experiences, and offer fun and unique wine-related activities that tell the true story of our beautiful region and the passionate men and women who work the land.

As part of my commitment to authenticity and tradition, I had to include another French icon in the adventure: the Citroën 2CV, the country’s most popular and legendary convertible.

Join me on an unforgettable journey into the heart of the vineyards, the wine, and the wine-makers who breathe life into this region.



The company: Vin4 heures wine tours

Gepost in Vin4 hour tour || experience

This French company was created in June 2013 to promote vineyards, wineries, private wine cellars, winegrower's cooperatives, wines, and other local products in the Languedoc-Roussillon region on the Mediterranean coast.

Isabelle Castro is the President and sole shareholder, and has a diploma in oenology and wine tourism. Isabelle loves the region and its inhabitants, and takes great pleasure in helping visitors discover the region’s colourful scenery and meet the passionate and extraordinary wine growers that work the land.

Isabelle organises fun and informative workshops and wine tastings, serves as your guide for vineyard tours, and will introduce you to the region’s winemakers. She offers full-service wine tours and customised activities related to vineyards, winegrowing, and wine.

Isabelle Castro also works with wine and tourism professionals, wineries, and winegrower's cooperatives. As a local service provider, she can organise fun and memorable activities to close out a press event, and initiate groups of professionals or individuals to the mysteries of wine and winegrowing.


Vin4 heures wine tours

Gepost in Vin4 hour tour || experience

Exciting and memorable wine tours

If you dream about unravelling wine’s mysteries, and seek an exciting and authentic tour of vineyards and wineries in the South of France…
Join Vin4 heures wine tours to discover the magical wines of the Languedoc-Roussillon region, and meet the passionate men and women behind the wine.
Vin4 heures wine tours creates fun and informative wine-related events on the Mediterranean coast. We organise and lead wine tours, meetings with winemakers, and wine tastings for individuals, companies, and groups. 


All tours start in the centre of La Palme, a wine-growing village on the Mediterranean coast (unless other arrangements are made):
11 avenue de la Mer
11480 La Palme
Please contact us if you’d like to start from another location in the Languedoc-Roussillon region.
Please contact us at +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 for more information, or use the contact form.


Wine tours and wine workshops are held year-round, by reservation. The tours can be organised during the day or in the evening, during the week or on the weekend, as well as on public holidays (depending on availability). The topic of the wine workshops will depend on the season and growing cycle, and opportunities to meet with winemakers will depend on their availability.
We will decide on the schedule together when you make your reservation.
Please contact us at +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 for more information, or use the contact form.


The tours and workshops are accessible to everyone: children, young people, adults, senior citizens, people with physical or mental disabilities, and French people as well as foreigners.
We speak English and French.
For other languages, please contact us at +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 for more information, or use the contact form.


You’ll take the tour in a convertible Citroën 2 CV, and drivers with a valid driver's license of more than 3 years can even get behind the wheel! You'll just need to make a €750 deposit which will be returned to you at the end of the tour. We'll provide you with technical and safety information about the car before you leave.
To ensure accessibility for all, we also provide tours in a 9-seat minibus (upon request).
Please contact us at +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 for more information, or use the contact form.

Practical information...

There is a bicycle and motorcycle shelter as well as parking for vehicles and tour buses at the starting point for our all-inclusive tours.

Please contact us at +33 (0)6 82 22 17 72 for more information, or use the contact form.


The company: Vin4 heures wine tours

Gepost in Vin4 hour tour || experience

This French company was created in June 2013 to promote vineyards, wineries, private wine cellars, winegrower's cooperatives, wines, and other local products in the Languedoc-Roussillon region on the Mediterranean coast.

Isabelle Castro is the President and sole shareholder, and has a diploma in oenology and wine tourism. Isabelle loves the region and its inhabitants, and takes great pleasure in helping visitors discover the region’s colourful scenery and meet the passionate and extraordinary wine growers that work the land.

Isabelle organises fun and informative workshops and wine tastings, serves as your guide for vineyard tours, and will introduce you to the region’s winemakers. She offers full-service wine tours and customised activities related to vineyards, winegrowing, and wine.

Isabelle Castro also works with wine and tourism professionals, wineries, and winegrower's cooperatives. As a local service provider, she can organise fun and memorable activities to close out a press event, and initiate groups of professionals or individuals to the mysteries of wine and winegrowing.

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